FAQ: Kit Replacement if Damaged

FAQ: Kit Replacement if Damaged

Answer: In the unfortunate event that your kit arrives damaged due to shipping, please follow these steps for a prompt replacement:

  1. Ship the damaged kit back to us within 2 days of receiving it. You can use LBC Shipping or our designated shipping company for the return.

  2. Once you’ve shipped the damaged kit, please email us the proof of shipping.

  3. Upon receiving your proof of shipping, we’ll process the replacement kit within 2 days and ship it to you promptly.

Please note: To validate your claim for a replacement kit, it’s essential to open the kit upon receipt and take a video from the start, showing the unboxing process. This video will serve as proof of the kit’s condition upon arrival and will expedite the replacement process.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your cooperation in resolving this matter swiftly. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact our customer support team for assistance.

FAQ: Can I cancel the enrollment?

FAQ: Can I cancel the enrollment?

Yes, you can cancel the enrollment. However, please note that if you cancel after the first session or if the robotic kit has not been shipped out within 48 hours of payment, a cancellation fee may apply. We aim to process shipments promptly within 2 days to ensure timely delivery of the robotic kit. We understand that circumstances may change, and we strive to accommodate our customers to the best of our ability. Please reach out to our customer support team for further assistance regarding cancellation requests.

FAQ: Do I need to pay in full?

FAQ: Do I need to pay in full?

Yes, for our program, payment is required in full. The fee for the 12 sessions, priced at 160.00php (2.85usd) per hour, must be paid upfront to secure your enrollment. This ensures smooth scheduling and uninterrupted learning experiences for your child throughout the program duration. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to having your child join us for an enriching learning journey.

FAQ : How to Enroll

FAQ : How to Enroll:

  1. Visit our homepage and choose the online program your child is interested in, like ‘Arduino for Kids.’ Then, click the ‘Send us a message to enroll’ button.

  2. Within 24 hours, our team will get in touch via email, chat, or phone.

  3. We’ll send you the course details and a payment link for your convenience.

  4. Once you’ve made the payment, we’ll email you the access details and set up a training schedule that works for you.

  5. If your child needs a kit for the training, we’ll ship it to you within 7 days. Delivery times may vary based on your location.

“We don’t have automatic payments because we offer personalized 1-on-1 training, tailoring the program and schedule to your child’s needs.”

FAQ : What’s in It for My Kid? Top 10 Benefits of Learning Robotics and Programming:

FAQ : What's in It for My Kid?

Top 10 Benefits of Learning Robotics and Programming:

  1.  Foster Creativity: Encourages creative thinking and problem-solving skills through hands-on projects.

  2.  Enhance Critical Thinking: Develops analytical skills and the ability to approach challenges logically.

  3. Cultivate Innovation: Inspires innovation and the development of new ideas and solutions.

  4. Build Confidence: Boosts self-esteem as kids see their ideas come to life through programming and robotics projects.

  5. Prepare for the Future: Equips kids with essential skills for success in the increasingly technology-driven world.
  1. Enhance STEM Skills: Strengthens skills in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics through practical application.

  2. Foster Collaboration: Encourages teamwork and collaboration as kids work together on robotics projects.

  3. Develop Persistence: Teaches resilience and perseverance as kids tackle complex problems and overcome obstacles.

  4. Expand Career Opportunities: Opens doors to exciting career paths in fields such as engineering, computer science, and robotics.

  5. Make Learning Fun: Provides a fun and engaging way to learn, fostering a lifelong love of learning and exploration.”

Harnessing the Power of Online Classes: How Remote Learning Supports Student Success

Why Kids Should Learn Robotics: Exploring the Benefits of Early Education in Robotics

In the modern era, virtual classrooms have emerged as a potent educational tool, providing various advantages that aid students in their academic journey. From offering flexibility and accessibility to delivering personalized instruction and access to extensive resources, online courses create a dynamic learning environment tailored to diverse student needs. Here’s how virtual classes can significantly support students:

Flexible Learning Environment:
Among the key benefits of online classes is the flexibility they afford. By enabling access to course materials and lectures from any location with an internet connection, students gain the liberty to learn at their own pace and convenience. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for individuals balancing academic commitments with other responsibilities, allowing them to tailor their learning experience according to their unique circumstances.

Enhanced Accessibility:
Online classes break down geographical barriers and make education more accessible to a broader audience. Students residing in remote areas or facing physical constraints can now access quality education without the need for travel or relocation. Moreover, online courses eliminate geographical limitations, enabling students to enroll in programs offered by institutions worldwide, broadening their academic horizons and exposure to diverse perspectives.

Tailored Instruction:
Virtual classrooms often offer opportunities for personalized instruction and customized learning experiences. Through features like discussion forums, virtual office hours, and one-on-one video conferencing with instructors, students can receive individualized support and feedback, fostering deeper engagement and comprehension of course materials. Additionally, adaptive learning technologies on online platforms adjust content and pacing based on individual student progress, ensuring that each student receives the assistance necessary for success.

Abundant Resources:
Online classes provide a plethora of resources beyond traditional classroom settings. From multimedia lectures to interactive simulations and digital libraries, students have access to a wide range of educational materials that enrich their learning journey. Furthermore, online platforms facilitate collaboration and knowledge-sharing among students through group projects, peer-to-peer discussions, and virtual study sessions, creating a sense of community and collaborative learning.

Flexibility and Innovation:
Virtual learning environments encourage adaptability and innovation in teaching methods. Educators have the freedom to integrate diverse instructional techniques, multimedia resources, and interactive tools into their courses, creating engaging and dynamic learning experiences. Additionally, online classes offer opportunities for experimentation with new teaching approaches, driving continuous improvement and evolution in educational practices.

In summary, virtual classrooms play a vital role in supporting student progress by offering flexibility, accessibility, personalized instruction, abundant resources, and avenues for adaptability and innovation. As technology continues to advance and online education becomes more integrated into academic settings, harnessing the potential of virtual classes can empower students to achieve academic success, pursue lifelong learning, and thrive in an ever-changing world.

Unleashing Potential: How Robotics Impacts Student Learning

Unleashing Potential: How Robotics Impacts Student Learning

Robotics has emerged as a transformative force in education, revolutionizing the way students engage with STEM subjects. Beyond being a fun and exciting activity, robotics has a profound impact on student learning, fostering skills and competencies that extend far beyond the realm of robotics itself.

Enhancing STEM Proficiency:

Robotics serves as a gateway to STEM education, providing hands-on experiences that make abstract concepts tangible and relatable. Through robotics projects, students apply scientific principles, explore engineering design processes, and develop mathematical reasoning skills, thereby enhancing their overall proficiency in STEM subjects.

Fostering Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving:

Robotics projects inherently involve challenges and obstacles that require creative problem-solving. Students must analyze problems, brainstorm solutions, and 

iterate on their designs, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills. As they encounter setbacks and failures, students learn resilience and perseverance, essential qualities for success in academics and beyond.

Promoting Collaboration and Teamwork:

Robotics projects often require collaboration and teamwork, mirroring real-world work environments. By working in teams, students learn to communicate effectively, delegate tasks, and leverage each other’s strengths, fostering interpersonal skills that are invaluable in collaborative settings.

Cultivating Creativity and Innovation:
Robotics encourages students to think outside the box and unleash their creativity. From designing robots to programming them to perform specific tasks, students have the freedom to explore their ideas and experiment with innovative solutions. This process of creative exploration nurtures a culture of innovation and empowers students to become confident problem-solvers and inventors.

Bridging Theory with Practice:
Robotics bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. Students apply concepts learned in the classroom to real-world challenges, gaining a deeper understanding of how academic concepts manifest in tangible outcomes. This hands-on approach to learning not only reinforces theoretical knowledge but also instills a sense of relevance and applicability to academic subjects.

Building Confidence and Self-Efficacy:
Robotics empowers students to take ownership of their learning and develop a sense of confidence in their abilities. As students successfully design, build, and program robots to accomplish tasks, they experience a sense of accomplishment and mastery, bolstering their self-efficacy and motivation to tackle new challenges.

In conclusion, robotics has a profound impact on student learning, enriching their educational experiences and equipping them with essential skills and competencies for success in the 21st-century workforce. By integrating robotics into education, educators empower students to become lifelong learners, critical thinkers, and innovative problem-solvers, poised to make meaningful contributions to society. As we continue to embrace the transformative potential of robotics in education, let us nurture the next generation of STEM leaders and changemakers through the exciting world of robotics.

Why Kids Should Learn Robotics: Exploring the Benefits of Early Education in Robotics

Why Kids Should Learn Robotics: Exploring the Benefits of Early Education in Robotics

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, the importance of introducing children to robotics at an early age cannot be overstated. Robotics education offers a plethora of benefits beyond simply learning to build and program robots. From fostering creativity to preparing for future career opportunities, here are compelling reasons why kids should dive into the exciting world of robotics:

  • Cultivating Creativity: Robotics empowers children to unleash their creativity by designing, building, and programming robots. From brainstorming ideas to bringing them to life, robotics projects encourage imaginative thinking and innovation.
  • Developing Problem-Solving Skills: Robotics projects inherently involve problem-solving. Children learn to analyze challenges, identify solutions, and iterate on their designs, fostering critical thinking and analytical skills essential for success in various aspects of life.
  • Preparing for the Future: As technology continues to advance, proficiency in robotics and programming becomes increasingly valuable. Early exposure to robotics lays a strong foundation for future STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) pursuits and opens doors to exciting career opportunities in fields such as robotics engineering, artificial intelligence, and computer science.
  • Enhancing Computational Thinking: Robotics education goes hand in hand with learning programming concepts. By writing code to control robots, children develop computational thinking skills, including algorithmic reasoning, pattern recognition, and logical problem-solving, which are applicable in diverse domains beyond robotics.
  • Promoting Collaboration and Teamwork: Robotics projects often require collaboration and teamwork. Working in teams, children learn to communicate effectively, share ideas, and collaborate towards common goals, preparing them for future endeavors in a collaborative work environment.
  • Encouraging Lifelong Learning: Robotics fosters a passion for lifelong learning. Through hands-on experimentation and exploration, children develop a thirst for knowledge and a curiosity about how things work, laying the groundwork for a lifelong journey of discovery and innovation.

In conclusion, introducing children to robotics at an early age offers a multitude of benefits that extend far beyond the realm of robotics itself. From fostering creativity and problem-solving skills to preparing for future career opportunities, robotics education empowers children to become confident, adaptable, and forward-thinking individuals ready to thrive in the digital age. As we continue to navigate an increasingly technology-driven world, the importance of robotics education for our children cannot be emphasized enough. Let’s inspire the next generation of innovators and problem-solvers through the exciting world of robotics!

DC Car

How to make DC Car

Understanding how to build a simple DC Car is fun for kids. The activity allows the demonstration of how the battery and DC motor works. Kids always wonder how things work. As part of EonBotz’s activity in robotics, we introduce to them this simple kit to put their curious mind to work.

The DC Car uses the following:

  • 2 AA BAttery
  • 2 DC motors
  • Wires
  • Car Board
  • Ballon Stick
  • Metal Rod

To simplify the creation of the DC Car, we created a template for kids so they can start with the project and learn and understand how it works. This DC Car kit is designed for kids aged nine and up.


How AI technologies impact the business world

How AI technologies impact the business world?

Before examining how AI technologies impact the business world, let’s define the first “AI.”

Artificial intelligence ” refers to any computer software that engages in humanlike activities – including learning, planning, and problem-solving. Calling specific applications “artificial intelligence” is like calling a car a “vehicle” – technically correct, but it doesn’t cover any specifics.

To understand what type of AI is predominant in business, we must dig deeper.


Machine Learning

Machine learning (ML) is a field of inquiry devoted to understanding and building methods that ‘learn,’ that is, methods that leverage data to improve performance on some tasks. It is planed as a part of artificial intelligence.

Machine learning algorithms build a model based on sample data, known as training data, to make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed to do so. Machine learning algorithms are used in various applications, such as in medicine, email filtering, speech recognition, agriculture, and computer vision, where it is difficult or unfeasible to develop conventional algorithms to perform the needed tasks.

Some implementations of machine learning use data and neural networks to mimic the working of a biological brain.

Machine learning is also referred to as predictive analytics in its application across business problems.


What are Deep Learning and Machine Learning?


Deep learning 

Deep learning is a machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) that imitates how humans gain specific knowledge. Deep learning is an essential element of data science, which includes statistics and predictive modeling. It is incredibly beneficial to data scientists tasked with collecting, analyzing, and interpreting large amounts of data; deep learning makes this process faster and easier.

At its simplest, deep learning can be a way to automate predictive analytics. While traditional machine learning algorithms are linear, and deep learning algorithms increase complexity and abstraction as stacked in a hierarchy.


Deep learning vs. Machine learning

Deep learning models are best used on large volumes of data, while machine learning algorithms are generally used for smaller datasets. Using complex DL models on small, simple datasets results in inaccurate results and high variance – a mistake often made by beginners in the field.


AI and business today

Rather than serving as a replacement for human intelligence and ingenuity, artificial intelligence is generally seen as a supporting tool. Although AI currently has difficulty completing commonsense tasks in the real world, it is adept at processing and analyzing 

data collection much faster than a human brain could. Artificial intelligence software can then return with synthesized courses of action and present them to the human user. In this way, we can use AI to help the game out the possible consequences of each activity and streamline the decision-making process.